There is no one-size fits all cure for disease - At Natural Health Solutions, we treat the total person, one step at a time! You are an individual and as such manifest health issues in unique ways. Symptoms are the body’s healthy attempt to restore itself to a proper balance and we will act as a guide to your own body’s self-discovery and healing.

Naturopathy is not a new field of medicine. It is centuries old and has the track-record of time to recommend its naturopathic practices. Naturopathy uses the natural laws governing the human body to help people create vibrant health using natural medicines, natural whole foods and good nutrition habits in addition to herbs, homeopathy and natural remedies. I evaluate your body’s strengths and weaknesses using applied kinesiology (muscle testing). The main tenant of natural healing is determining the minimum amount of remedy needed to help effect change. Only then can I determine the remedies and supplements with the proper minimum dosage to facilitate your body’s natural healing response. 

Food for life! Healthy food isn’t boring food and whole foods are the original fast foods. Need food on the run? Grab a piece of fruit or a carrot. Scientific studies support that we are what we eat. Diabetes II, heart disease, obesity that is starting in childhood is on the rise. It’s safe to say that we will have to deal with the way we eat, probably sooner than later. The earlier you can switch to making healthy choices about food the better off you will be, but know, it’s never too late to help your body heal with proper nutrition.

The body reflects what you feed it. I approach health by helping you look at the total you – body, mind and soul. I’ll work with you to take the nutritional baby steps that will lead you to proper nourishment. A properly fed body supports the mind and spirit. As a certified nutritional consultant, I work to help you achieve personal health, weight and nutritional goals. From migraine headaches, high cholesterol, and weight issues to ulcers and eczema, it's all about your food and lifestyle.

Education is very important in this journey to health. I provide you with informed studies and articles to feed your mind as you feed your body. The remedies and supplements work synergistically to heal step-by-step. Through it all, I am always here to answer questions and support you in your quest for health. This is your only life, you deserve to live in health, peace and abundance.